Obloquy 1100 Words You Need Week 46 Day 3
Obloquy 1100 Words You Need Week 46 Day 3
/’ä-blə-kwē/ (noun)
strong public condemnation, censure, opprobrium, vilification, vituperation, criticism, denunciation, abuse, defamation, denigration, blame, character assassination, disgrace, infamy, ignominy, disfavor
I received a condemnation lawsuit and obloquy against my property, when does the government own my land? If you received a notice of land condemnation, you may wonder exactly when the ownership of your land or property transverse to the government. Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but if the condemning agency is the North Carolina Department of Transportation, or another state agency, then in all likelihood they already do.
Source: https://www.nclandlawyer.com/
Antonyms: encomium, praise