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Tirade GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

Tirade GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

/taɪˈreɪd/ (noun)


a long and angry speech showing denunciation and disapproval, invective, diatribe, lecture, vilification, polemic, rant, harangue, revilement, outburst, obloquy, verbal attack, vituperation, fulmination


So annoyed was Donald Trump by a question about his supposed misogyny on Thursday evening that the property tycoon has spent almost 24 hours embroiled in an angry tirade against the woman who asked the question.

After the overnight strop, Trump appeared on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” on Friday to continue his tirade. “I’m very surprised at Fox News that they would do that because, you know, I would say it’s pretty unprofessional,” he said. Trump then phoned in to “Fox & Friends” to say that he felt fine taking the stage with the other nine GOP candidates, until Kelly nailed him with “that really tough question.”

Source: https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/


appreciation, encomium, approbation, approval

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