Overt 1100 Words You Need
Overt 1100 Words You Need
/əʊˈvɜːt/ (adjective)
done publicly and in an obvious way, open, unconcealed, explicit, plain, evident, apparent, blatant, manifest, clear:
The authors describe one intervention called the jigsaw classroom that encourages work toward common goals and helps reduce the expression and impact of overt discrimination.
Source: https://journals.sagepub.com/
Overt discrimination is the act of treating someone unequally or unjustly based on specific written policies or procedures. It may also manifest itself in the form of direct prejudicial treatment based on certain characteristics, such as age, gender, ethnicity, race, or sexual orientation. It’s less common to see overt discrimination in the workplace these days, thanks to laws put in place to protect individuals from these types of behaviors, but it does still happen.
Source: https://study.com/
In June, the president indicated to Chinese President Xi on the sideline of an international summit in Japan that he would not overtly criticize the Chinese government’s efforts to silence the protests in Hong Kong, according to two administration officials not authorized to speak publicly about private discussions.
Source: http://www.asahi.com/
Antonyms: covert, concealed, clandestine, surreptitious, stealthy
Adverb: overtly
Noun: overtness
French: manifeste
Farsi: آشکار