Prejudice 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 33

Prejudice 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 33

/ˈpredʒ.ʊ.dɪs/ (noun & verb)

Noun: an unfair or biased feeling or judgment, bigotry, prejudgment, discrimination, preconception, partiality, bias, unfairness, narrow-mindedness, chauvinism, injustice, partisanship

Verb: to influence someone or something unfairly and negatively, predispose, make partial, overshadow, color, damage, distort, be detrimental to, impair, spoil, injure

It is surprising how many clients ask about unfair prejudice: either as minority shareholders who feel that their interests have been damaged; or as directors or majority shareholders worried that they might face a claim.


Antonyms: impartiality, tolerance

Adjective: prejudiced

Adjective: prejudicial

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