Private Vehicles IELTS Writing Task 2

Private Vehicles IELTS Writing Task 2

Private Vehicles IELTS Writing Task 2

Some people believe that a practical solution to controlling congested traffic in large cities is for the government to levy a high tax on private vehicles.To what extent do you agree with this point of view? Bring reasons to support your claim.

LELB Society’s Essayist: Sasan

IELTS essay on traffic jam with complete scoring and analysis

These days, big cities suffer from heavy traffic and some people believe that imposing a higher tax on private vehicles mitigates traffic congestion. However, this methodology is at odds with my viewpoints which are going to be discussed in this essay.

Raising tax on personal vehicles is not an appropriate solution even though it may work for a period of time. In fact, the first step for finding a judicious solution for alleviating traffic jam is clarifying the reasons behind the heavy traffic. For instance, it is mostly reported that heavy traffic occurs in crowded cities. So, the solution is making the balance between the populations of different cities in order to decrease the traffic jam. So, the authorities need to create the same welfare, including job vacancies, infrastructure, etc., in various cities in order to equalize the dwellers of cities. Moreover, putting up the tax injures people satisfaction which deteriorates the relationship between the government and ordinary people. So, it is not laudable to impose higher tax on personal vehicles so as to overcome the traffic jam.

IELTS essay on traffic congestion with full essay + deep analysis

Furthermore, it is not fair to change a rule in a country whose crowded cities are dealing with traffic jam. In other words, in many cases, some specific cities in a country are coping with bumper-to-bumper traffic. So, if the government impose higher tax on personal vehicles some, people who live in the country have to pay more tax because in crowded cities people are dealing with traffic congestion.

traffic jam LELB Society

In conclusion, increasing tax on personal vehicles is not a suitable method for controlling traffic jam and there are better solutions such as decreasing the population in crowded cities in order to solve this problem.

Video of IELTS essay on private vehicles


  • Coherence: Excellent!
  • Cohesion: Great!
  • Grammar: Really good!
  • Reasoning: Great!
  • Essay Analysis: Inclusive and exclusive! Perfect.
  • Word Count: “282” Excellent

About the Author

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl is an English and Persian instructor, educator, researcher, inventor, published author, blogger, SEO expert, website developer, entrepreneur, and the creator of LELB Society. He's got a PhD in TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language).

Number of Posts: 4151

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2 thoughts on “Private Vehicles IELTS Writing Task 2”

  1. These days, big cities suffer from heavy traffic and some people believe that imposing a higher tax on private vehicles mitigates traffic congestion. However, this methodology is at odds with my viewpoints which are going to be discussed in this essay.

    Raising tax on personal vehicles is not an appropriate solution even though it may work for a period of time. In fact, the first step for finding a judicious solution for alleviating traffic jam is clarifying the reasons behind the heavy traffic. For instance, it is mostly reported that heavy traffic occurs in crowded cities. So, the solution is making the balance between the populations of different cities in order to decrease the traffic jam. So, the authorities need to create the same welfare, including job vacancies, infrastructure, etc., in various cities in order to equalize the dwellers of cities. Moreover, putting up the tax injures people satisfaction which deteriorates the relationship between the government and ordinary people. So, it is not laudable to impose higher tax on personal vehicles so as to overcome the traffic jam.

    Furthermore, it is not fair to change a rule in a country whose crowded cities are dealing with traffic jam. In other words, in many cases, some specific cities in a country are coping with bumper-to-bumper traffic. So, if the government impose higher tax on personal vehicles some, people who live in the country have to pay more tax because in crowded cities people are dealing with traffic congestion.

    In conclusion, increasing tax on personal vehicles is not a suitable method for controlling traffic jam and there are better solutions such as decreasing the population in crowded cities in order to solve this problem.

    • Dear Sasan,
      Thank you so much for composing and submitting your IELTS essay on private vehicles to us for assessment and evaluation.

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