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Remiss 1100 Words You Need Week 26 Day 1

Remiss 1100 Words You Need

Remiss 1100 Words You Need

/rɪˈmɪs/ (adj)

Remiss definition

careless and not doing one’s duty properly enough, negligent, inattentive, thoughtless, slapdash


Evidently, Atty. Elayda was remiss in his duties and responsibilities as a member of the legal profession. His conduct shows that he not only failed to exercise due diligence in handling his clients’ case but in fact abandoned his clients’ cause. He proved himself unworthy of the trust reposed on him by his helpless clients. Moreover, Atty. Elayda owes fealty, not only to his clients, but also to the Court of which he is an officer.

Source: https://www.coursehero.com/



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