Sage 1100 Words You Need Week 25 Day 3

Sage 1100 Words You Need

/seɪdʒ/ (adj & noun)

an old and experienced person, a wise person, adviser, mentor, guru, elder, wise, a type of plant

A sage, in classical philosophy, is someone who has attained wisdom. The term has also been used interchangeably with a ‘good person’, and a ‘virtuous person’.


Sages have a constant urge to share their wit and wisdom. You will never be bored with a sage because of guaranteed witty banter or wise talks.

When sages are young, they still lack wisdom so their wit is accompanied by clownish acting. They may appear silly or foolish but there’s so much more to the Sage than just the proverbial bag of wind.

When Sage’s knowledge and life experience grows, their “act” will also become more cultured and polished. But they have a natural affinity for humor so they can be outstanding comedians.


Antonyms: foolish, immature, inexperienced

Adverb: sagely

Noun: sageness

Adjective: sagacious: perspicacious, astute, judicious, wise

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