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English Conversation Class on Fear and Phobia

English conversation class on fear and phobia for English students

Round Table Activity

round table activity at LELB Society

  • Please develop 2 questions in relation to the current topic.
  • Each participant must ask a question and be asked once.
  • Your questions must not be too personal.
  • Your questions ought to be challenging and not so easy to answer.
  • Your questions should be in accordance with the topic being discussed.

Related Idioms & Expressions

Definition of Acrophobia in visual dictionary with real examples and with synonyms

  1. To get / have cold feet: to think twice because of fear or uncertainty
  2. To jump out of one’s skin: to get frightened
  3. To send a chill through sb: to frighten sb
  4. Like a deer / rabbit caught in the headlights: to be completely intimidated
  5. Scared to death: flabbergasted and appalled

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