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English Questions on Positive Thinking & Optimism

English questions on positive thinking and optimism for ESL students

Topic: “What are the building blocks of positive thinking?”

Questions on positive thinking and optimism

English conversation questions forum for adults

  1. What is meant by positive thinking?
  2. Do you think positive thinking is a genetic quality or it could be acquired?
  3. What are the main principles of positive thinking?
  4. Can you be a negative thinker and a good person?
  5. What is the role of environment in the establishment of positive thinking?
  6. Is it possible to live in an adverse and deleterious atmosphere and be a positive thinker as well?
  7. What are the physiological and physical (as opposed to mental) foundations of positive thinking?
  8. What are the strategies you put to use in order to actualize positive thinking in your personal life?

Quotations on positive thinking

Good quotes for discussion forum for ESL students at LELB Society

  1. “You are not what you think you are, but what you think, you are.” (Brian Tracy)
  2. “Thought pollution is much more dangerous than air, sound, water, etc. pollutions.” (Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl)
  3. “People become really quite remarkable when they start thinking that they can do things. When they believe in themselves, they have the first secret of success.” (Norman Vincent Peale)

Related Idioms

  1. To feel like a million dollars/bucks
  2. To have the world by the tail
  3. To be walking on air

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