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Soothe 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 36

Soothe 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 36

/suːð/ (verb)

to make someone calm, pacify, mollify, placate, assuage, alleviate, calm down, comfort, relax, appease, hush, tranquilize, palliate, ease, lessen, allay, quieten

After feeding and diapering duties, soothing your fussy infant can seem like it takes up the bulk of your day (and most of the night!). Crying and babies go hand in hand, of course, since kicking up a fuss is the only communication skill your newborn knows. Yet a baby’s cries can quickly overwhelm, especially when you can’t figure out why she’s so upset in the first place.

Source: https://www.whattoexpect.com/

Antonyms: excite, aggravate

Adjective: soothing

Adverb: soothingly

Noun: soother

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