Mitigate GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

Mitigate GRE Vocabulary Flashcard at LELB Society

Mitigate GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /ˈmɪt.ɪ.geɪt/ (verb) Definition to make something less unpleasant or harmful, soften, attenuate, take the edge off, assuage, reduce, ease, palliate, alleviate, diminish, allay, weaken, abate, temper, lessen, moderate, lighten, mollify Example Virtually every person facing criminal punishment wants to know the factors that might cause a judge to increase the sentence.…

Assuage GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

Assuage GRE Vocabulary Flashcard at LELB Society

Assuage GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /əˈsweɪdʒ/ (verb) Definition to relieve something unpleasant, make unpleasant feelings better, appease, allay, soothe, palliate, mitigate, abate, pacify, alleviate, soften, ease, placate, lessen, diminish, mollify, comfort, conciliate, moderate, tranquilize Example Indian history likewise is full of events depicting the struggle between the weak and the strong and the alternate rise and…

Soothe 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 36

soothe LELB Society

Soothe 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 36 /suːð/ (verb) to make someone calm, pacify, mollify, placate, assuage, alleviate, calm down, comfort, relax, appease, hush, tranquilize, palliate, ease, lessen, allay, quieten After feeding and diapering duties, soothing your fussy infant can seem like it takes up the bulk of your day (and most of the night!).…

Palliate 1100 Words You Need Week 22 Day 4

palliate LELB Society

Palliate 1100 Words You Need Palliate 1100 Words You Need /’pa-lē-ˌāt/ (verb) Watch this video on YouTube. to alleviate the symptoms of a disease without curing it, mitigate the intensity of something, make better, cure, treat, soothe, pacify, relieve, remedy, ameliorate To palliate is to relieve the symptoms and suffering caused by cancer and other…

Alleviate – English Flashcard for Alleviate for IELTS

Alleviate - English Flashcard for Alleviate - LELB Society

Alleviate Alleviate (verb) /əˈliː.vi.eɪt/ to make something, such as a pain or difficulty less intense and more tolerable – lessen – ease – assuage – soothe – lighten – pacify – mitigate – relieve: A great number of charity concerts have been held with the purpose of alleviating the intense poverty of the poor people…

English Vocabulary about Health and Disease

English Vocabulary about Health and Disease - LELB Society

English Vocabulary about Health and Disease English Vocabulary about Health and Disease Afflict Watch this video on YouTube. It is an illness which afflicts women more than men. Cancer He died of liver cancer. Chiropractor Finally, our local chiropractor could treat my chronic backache. Contagious Flu is a common contagious disease, especially in the winter. Cure-all a…