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Magnitude Definition & Meaning in Context

Magnitude definition and synonyms in real context

Magnitude definition and meaning in real context from the book 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam. Practice listening and reading comprehension in real context and improve your advanced and scientific vocabulary with the word magnitude. /ˈmæg.nɪ.tjuːd/ (noun) Magnitude definition the significance, large size or importance of something, amplitude, immensity, salience, extent,…

Amplitude in Visual Dictionary for GRE Candidates

Definition of Amplitude in visual dictionary and thesaurus at LELB Society

Definition of Amplitude as a scientific word in visual dictionary and thesaurus with illustrations and in real context for advanced ESL learners and GRE candidates /ˈæm.plɪ.tjuːd/ (noun) Definition largeness in size and volume, large amount, wide range, breadth of range, greatness, profusion, magnitude, bigness the distance between the zenith and nadir of a curve, width…

Quantity – English Flashcard for Quantity for IELTS

Quantity | English Flashcard for Quantity - LELB Society

Quantity Quantity (noun) /ˈkwɒn.tɪ.ti/ US /ˈkwɑːn.ţə.ţi/ the number of amount of something that could be measured, extent, capacity, amount, magnitude, value, measure, mass A large quantity of the students resort to cramming when it comes to final exams. Antonym: quality Verb: quantify Noun: quantification
