IELTS Essay on Housing Market + Full Assessment & Scoring

IELTS essay on housing market with full assessment and detailed scoring

IELTS essay on housing market with full essay, thorough analysis and assessment submitted to us by LELB Society’s students. Join LELB Society’s students and send us your IELTS reports and essays for analysis and scoring. Watch this video about IELTS essay on housing market Watch this video on YouTube IELTS essay question on housing market…

Satiety 1100 Words You Need Week 41 Day 1

Satiety 1100 words you need to know week 41 day 1 at LELB Society for GRE, TOEFL & IELTS

Satiety 1100 Words You Need Week 41 Day 1 /səˈtaɪətɪ/ (noun) the feeling or state of being sated, repleteness, satisfaction, satiation, repletion, fullness, excess, surfeit, capacity, overload, overindulgence, inundation, permeation, soaking, saturation, drenching, wetting, succulence If you’ve ever wondered why you fill up on a bowl of oatmeal but can eat three doughnuts before feeling…

Potential 1100 Words You Need Week 22 Day 3

possible LELB Society

Potential 1100 Words You Need Potential 1100 Words You Need /pəʊˈten.tʃəl/ (adj & noun) Adjective: possible and likely to happen when all the necessary conditions exist, hypothetical, conceivable, thinkable, imaginable, probable Noun: someone’s or something’s chance or ability to thrive and succeed, ability, capacity, possibility, likelihood, capability, aptitude Common types of potential energy include the…

Quantity – English Flashcard for Quantity for IELTS

Quantity | English Flashcard for Quantity - LELB Society

Quantity Quantity (noun) /ˈkwɒn.tɪ.ti/ US /ˈkwɑːn.ţə.ţi/ the number or amount of something that could be measured, extent, capacity, amount, magnitude, value, measure, mass A large quantity of the students resort to cramming when it comes to final exams. Antonyms quality Parts of Speech Verb: quantify Noun: quantification Adjective: quantitative Adverb: quantitatively

Quota – English Flashcard for Quota for IELTS

Quota | English Flashcard for Quota - LELB Society

Quota Quota (noun) /ˈkwəʊ.tə/ US /ˈkwoʊ.ţə/ a limited amount or number of something that someone is allowed to have or receive – share – proportion, portion, allowance, ration, allocation, slice, part, measure Europe is considering some quotas on the number of legal immigrants annually.

English Vocabulary about Numbers with Flashcards

تفاوت خواندن اعداد در زبان آلمانی و زبان فارسی با انیمیشن

English Vocabulary about Numbers with Flashcards English Vocabulary about Numbers with Flashcards A few Watch this video on YouTube I have to buy a few things at the supermarket. A lot of She eats a lot of vegetables.  There are a lot of people at the party. Accumulate As people accumulate more wealth, they tend to spend a greater…

Language Making Capacity | TESL Issues

TESL Issues LELB Society

Language Making Capacity Language Making Capacity Slobin proposes a ‘language making capacity’ (LMC). Like Chomsky’s Language Faculty, the LMC contains universal principles. Unlike the principles of Chomsky’s Language Faculty, these are ‘Operating Principles’ (OP), i.e., principles specifically for working inductively on the physical acoustic stimulus for a specific language to which children are exposed. The…

IELTS Listening Practice Evolving Brain

How to increase dopamine naturally with 10 proven tips, video, podcast and list of new vocabulary for ESL students

IELTS Listening Practice Evolving Brain IELTS Listening Practice Evolving Brain About this activity This activity is labeled round table by Dr. Hariri, the creator and administrator of LELB Society. This activity is on the premise of Flipped Learning, according to which the students watch a video before the class, carry out research into the selected theme, and prepare themselves for an informed discussion in the class. This activity is on…

English Presentation | Working Memory

English Presentations LELB Society

English Presentation | Working Memory English Presentation | Working Memory Watch this video on YouTube LELB Lecturer: Dr. Hariri What is working memory? Working memory is a crucial cognitive system that allows us to hold and manipulate information temporarily. It’s like a mental workspace where we can store and process information necessary for complex tasks such…