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The Walnut Tree by Aesop for English Students

The Walnut Tree by Aesop for English Students with a video and vocabulary practice

The Walnut Tree by Aesop for English students with a video, vocabulary practice in real context, and questions for discussion The Walnut Tree is now in the public domain available on Gutenberg Project. Video of the Walnut Tree Watch this video on YouTube. The Walnut Tree by Aesop A walnut tree, which grew by the…

The Boy and the Filberts by Aesop for ESL Students

The Boy and the Filberts by Aesop for ESL Students with Video and Questions

The Boy and the Filberts by Aesop for ESL students with a video, vocabulary in real context and questions for discussion based on the English Immersion Program The Boy and the Filberts is now in the public domain available on Gutenberg Project. Video of the Boy and the Filberts Watch this video on YouTube. The…
