The Wolf and the Lamb from Aesop for ESL Students

The Wolf and the Lamb from Aesop for ESL students with a podcast and vocabulary practice in real context

The Wolf and the Lamb from Aesop for ESL students with a podcast and vocabulary practice in real context The Wolf and the Lamb is now in the public domain available on Gutenberg Project Podcast of the Wolf and the Lamb Watch this video on YouTube The Wolf and the Lamb A wolf came upon…

Repent 1100 Words You Need Week 43 Day 3

Repent 1100 words you need to know week 43 day 3 at LELB Society for GRE, TOEFL & IELTS

Repent 1100 Words You Need Week 43 Day 3 Repent 1100 Words You Need Week 43 Day 3 /rɪˈpent/ (verb) to be very sorry or contrite for something wrong you’ve done in the past, regret, feel or express remorse or regret, rue, reproach oneself, be ashamed, be penitent or remorseful, apologize, ask forgiveness, feel sorrow…

Rue 1100 Words You Need Week 25 Day 2

rue LELB Society

Rue 1100 Words You Need Rue 1100 Words You Need /ruː/ (verb) to feel extremely sorry about something, regret, pity, feel regret for something, repent, feel sorry about, deplore, lament “Mark my words, you will rue this day, lament it in tears. You will come to me on your knees sobbing, begging for forgiveness. But…

Regret by Kate Chopin – Learn English with Short Stories

Regret by Kate Chopin at LELB Society to improve your English with a short story with full text and podcast and flashcards

Regret by Kate Chopin Regret by Kate Chopin Available in the public domain at: MAMZELLE AURLIE possessed a good strong figure, ruddy cheeks, hair that was changing from brown to gray, and a determined eye. She wore a man’s hat about the farm, and an old blue army overcoat when it was cold, and…

Penance 1100 Words You Need Week 21 Day 3

Penance 1100 words you need to know week 21 day 3 at LELB Society with flashcards for GRE, TOEFL & IELTS

Penance 1100 Words You Need Penance 1100 Words You Need /ˈpen.əns/ (noun) the act of showing that you are regretful for what you have done in the past, repentance, self-punishment for sin, atonement, forfeit, amends, propitiation, contrition The Sacrament of Penance (also commonly called the Sacrament of Reconciliation or Confession) is one of the seven…

Frozen by Madonna English Songs with Lyrics

Frozen by Madonna English Songs with lyrics to improve your listening comprehension

Frozen by Madonna English Songs Frozen by Madonna English Songs Artist: Madonna Album: Ray of Light Released: 1998 Genre: Pop Watch this video on YouTube Source of Lyrics: You only see what your eyes want to see How can life be what you want it to be You’re frozen When your heart’s not open You’re so consumed with…