Rue 1100 Words You Need
Rue 1100 Words You Need
/ruː/ (verb)
to feel extremely sorry about something, regret, pity, feel regret for something, repent, feel sorry about, deplore, lament
“Mark my words, you will rue this day, lament it in tears. You will come to me on your knees sobbing, begging for forgiveness. But I will tell you now and I will tell you then, you are on your own, Skyla.”
Antonym: celebrate
Adjective: rueful
Adverb: ruefully
Farsi: پشيمان شدن ، افسوس خوردن ، دلسوزى کردن ، پشيمانى ، ناگوارى ، غم ، غصه ، ندامت