Clergy – English Flashcard for Clergy with Synonyms

Clergy - English Flashcard for Clergy - LELB Society

Clergy Clergy (noun) /ˈklɜː.dʒi/ US /ˈklɝː-/ priests, especially in the Christian church, people performing religious services, ordained priests, clergymen, priesthood, ministry The clergy began preaching a sermon about some important virtues. Antonyms laity Parts of speech Noun: clergyman Noun: clergywoman

Sanctimonious – English Flashcard for Sanctimonious

Sanctimonious - English Flashcard for Sanctimonious - LELB Society

Sanctimonious Sanctimonious (adj) /ˌsæŋk.tɪˈməʊ.ni.əs/ hypocritically showing that you are morally superior than others – holier-than-thou – self-righteous – pompous – hypocritically religious: Sanctimonious in context I cannot tolerate such a sanctimonious person with extreme radical ideas. During the heated debate, Mark’s sanctimonious attitude began to grate on his colleagues. He constantly spoke down to others, …