Capitulate 1100 Words You Need Week 38 Day 3

Capitulate 1100 Words You Need Week 38 Day 3 Capitulate 1100 Words You Need Week 38 Day 3 /kəˈpɪt.jʊ.leɪt/ (verb) to accept military defeat, surrender, cease to resist an opponent, give in, yield, concede defeat, raise the white flag, accept to do something against your own will, accept something unwillingly, acquiesce, compromise, submit, give up…

Succumb 1100 Words You Need Week 8 Day 4

succumb LELB Society

Succumb 1100 Words You Need Succumb 1100 Words You Need /səˈkʌm/ (verb) 1. to lose the determination to oppose something; to accept defeat, give way, yield, give in, submit, surrender, capitulate, accede: I’m afraid I succumbed to temptation and had a piece of cheesecake. 2. to die or suffer badly from an illness, pass away,…

Perish – English Flashcard for Perish for IELTS

Perish | English Flashcard for Perish - LELB Society

Perish Perish (verb) /ˈper.ɪʃ/ to die or be destroyed, disappear, pass away, expire, depart this life, succumb, decease Dozens of people perished in the powerful earthquake. Antonyms live, survive Parts of Speech Adjective: perishing Adjective: perishable Noun: perishables

IELTS – TOEFL Preparation Course | Session 4

Learn Persian Online at LELB Society about healthy body

IELTS – TOEFL Preparation Course | Session 4 Writing Task Topic: Currently there is a trend towards the use of alternative forms of medicine. However, at best, these methods are ineffective, and at worst, they may be dangerous. To what extent do you agree with this statement? We have 5 essayists in this session, so…