Censure Meaning & Definition from 601 Words

Censure meaning and synonyms in real context in visual dictionary and thesaurus

Censure meaning and definition together with illustrations and antonyms from the book, 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam. Learn the meaning of ‘censure’ in authentic context and improve your advanced vocabulary in authentic context. /ˈsen.ʃəʳ/ (noun & verb) Censure meaning Noun: strong disapproval and criticism, obloquy, reprimand, admonishment Verb: to criticize …

Upbraid GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

Upbraid GRE Vocabulary Flashcard at LELB Society

Upbraid GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /ʌpˈbreɪd/ (verb) to criticize someone strongly for doing something wrong, rebuke, censure, reproach, castigate, reprimand, chide, berate, admonish, scold, tell off, chastise, lecture, reprove You should handle criticism of your employees with care. If you upbraid them vehemently, your employees may view you as a controlling perfectionist who cannot be pleased. …

Castigate 1100 Words You Need Week 4 Day 3

Castigate 1100 Words You Need Week 4 Day 3

Castigate 1100 Words You Need /ˈkæs.tɪ.geɪt/ (verb) to criticize someone or something strongly, reprimand, reproach, penalize, rebuke, tell off, chastise, rake over the coals, scold, chide, blame, lecture, reprove: The CEO of the company castigated his staff for not updating their information with regard to the emerging critical problem. Antonyms praise Parts of Speech Noun: …