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Transitory GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

Transitory GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

/ˈtræn.zɪ.tri/ (adj)


lasting for a short time, transient, short-lived, fleeting, momentary, ephemeral, brief, evanescent, short-term, temporary, impermanent, passing, here today and gone tomorrow


While the change in animal life is harder to document as animals are so transitory I certainly found my fair share of them, and if not the animal itself, it’s scat.

When I began I noticed the lizards who dominate the rocky dry riverbeds. By no means numerous they were still easy to find. In the river itself I discovered a pair of Orange Bellied Newts which would become the focus for an interesting seasonal change in the biotic community. These Newts roamed about the small calm pools formed by rocks at the edge of the creek moving in and out of the shadows.

Source: https://web.sonoma.edu/


permanent, perpetual, everlasting

Parts of speech

Adjective: transitorily

Noun: transitoriness

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