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Truculent Definition & Synonyms from 601 Words

Truculent definition and synonyms with antonyms and clear illustrations from the book 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam used in real context for GRE candidates. Listen to any word or phrase in this real context.

/ˈtrʌk.jʊ.lənt/ (adj)

Truculent definition

fiercely defiant, tending to argue a lot, aggressive, quarrelsome, belligerent, hostile, barbarous, fractious, fierce, argumentative, ferocious, sullen, savage, antagonistic, confrontational, pugnacious, cruel, insolent, surly


How to defuse arguments with your truculent teen

It’s useful to remember that your own behaviour can improve or worsen an aggressive situation, so it’s important to be a good role model for your teen.

If you act aggressively but tell your teenager not to, they will not listen. It’s also helpful to remember that their anger is often based on fear that they’re losing control.

Source of example: https://www.nhs.uk/



Parts of speech

Noun: truculence

Adverb: truculently

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