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Blithe GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

Definition of Blithe as a GRE Vocabulary Flashcard also found in 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam with synonyms and illustrations and in real context for advanced learners of English

/blaɪð/ (adj)


merry and worriless, joyful, gay, cheerful, indifferent, blissful, lighthearted, casual, unconcerned, joyous, carefree, uncaring, nonchalant, easygoing


“I am more and more convinced that to take life over seriously is a frivolous thing.” Eric Hoffer Indeed, being lighthearted, blithe, and having a sense of humor are basic resilience strengthening strategies.

Perhaps, as Kay Redfield Jamison indicates in Exuberance: A Passion for Life, genetics does influence such human characteristics as exuberance and playfulness. But there are some habits that can encourage acting lighthearted. Try some of the following!

Source: https://www.solutionsforresilience.com/


anxious, worried

Parts of speech

Adverb: blithely

Noun: blitheness

Adjective: blithesome

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