Tussle 1100 Words You Need
Tussle 1100 Words You Need
/ˈtʌs.ļ/ (noun & verb)
to have a fight with another person using your body and arms, have a vigorous fight, brawl, struggle, battle, attack, exchange blows, skirmish, contest, dispute, oppose, argue, argument, conflict, disagreement, friction, cross swords, opposition
Critic’s Choice: Mariah Robertson’s vigorous tussle with photography
Each work is the residue of Robertson’s vigorous tussle with her materials, the pouring of chemicals and improvised manipulation of their flow. She is photography’s answer to stain painting, action painting and process-based performance: Helen Frankenthaler and Morris Louis, Jackson Pollock, and hot-lead-throwing Richard Serra, all rolled into one.
Source: https://www.latimes.com/
Antonym: accept, reconcile, compromise
Farsi: مسابقه جسمانى ، کشمکش ، مجادله ، نزاع کردن ، بحث کردن ، تقـلا کردن