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Vindicate 1100 Words You Need Week 39 Day 3

Vindicate 1100 Words You Need Week 39 Day 3

Vindicate 1100 Words You Need Week 39 Day 3

/ˈvɪn.dɪ.keɪt/ (verb)

to prove that something has been true or right, attest, prove that someone is not blameworthy or reprehensible, clear of blame or suspicion, justify, rationalize, absolve, exculpate, defend, uphold, acquit, exonerate, discharge, corroborate, exempt, redeem, support, endorse, verify, confirm

Mr. Stone would be put at serious medical risk in prison. He has appealed his conviction and is seeking a new trial. He maintains his innocence and has stated that he expects to be fully exonerated by the justice system. Mr. Stone, like every American, deserves a fair trial and every opportunity to vindicate himself before the courts. The President does not wish to interfere with his efforts to do so. At this time, however, and particularly in light of the egregious facts and circumstances surrounding his unfair prosecution, arrest, and trial, the President has determined to commute his sentence. Roger Stone has already suffered greatly. He was treated very unfairly, as were many others in this case. Roger Stone is now a free man!

Source: https://www.whitehouse.gov

Antonym: implicate, accuse, press charges against

Noun: vindication, vindicator

Adjective: vindicable, vindicatory

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