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Writing Practice on Butterfly Effect

Writing Practice on Butterfly Effect

Writing Practice on Butterfly Effect


What is the Butterfly Effect, and how can it impact upon your life?

You can watch this video on the Butterfly Effect to get some insights.


Paying enough attention to initial conditions in order to take care of upcoming outcomes. The narrator was analyzing different phenomena which had occurred in the past. Is((Are)) there any instructions which can be put in our life so as to care about butterfly effect?
I believe in every dilemma we witness, we analyze all criteria along with probable results. However, we cannot prognosticate everything in the middle of the process. In fact, my personal idea is that we ought not to be too fearful when it comes to a new adventurous stage of life owing to the forthcoming probable results. In other words, I personally prefer to be a risk-taker rather than a stick-in-the-mud, even though butterfly effect should be kept in mind.
To recap, it seems to me that caring about butterfly effect and taking risks contradict each other.

Morteza Feizbakhsh

As a response to((In response to)) Sasan’s comment, I admit that no one can predict possible outcomes of a simple gesture of ours in whole universe((in the whole universe)), But rather it’s about believing or not believing in butterfly effect. How much can it affect our life or every decision? Could it be controllable?
I personally completely believe in butterfly effect. It’s((It)) might be due to my carrier((career)) which deals with simulation of physical phenomena. In my carrier I experienced that, according to physical laws, every single changes((change)) in world((in the world)) can be predictable if there is enough information regarding initial status and boundary condition. It’s clear how hard it can be, but still it’s a possible task to do, let’s say at least in Newtonian mechanics. In addition, these constitutional laws of physics is premised on the continuity of the world. It means connectivity of every single objects((object)). Although, each has got its own ration of significance.
The main question is still unanswered that how, knowing and believing butterfly((butterfly effect)) can affect my life, considering difficulties in prediction. Its((It’s)) time to make a very simple assumption. I suppose every good, nice, beautiful and virtuous behavior that I add to the world, might leads((lead)) to better future((a better future)) for me or others. We already know that, according to the narrator, there are lots of experiences that contradict my assumptions, but still its((it’s)) the least lesson we can learn from butterfly effect.

3 comments on “Writing Practice on Butterfly Effect”

  1. As a response to Sasan’s comment, I admit that no one can predict possible outcomes of a simple gesture of ours in whole universe, But rather it’s about believing or not believing in butterfly effect. How much can it affect our life or every decision? Could it be controllable?
    I personally completely believe in butterfly effect. It’s might be due to my carrier which deals with simulation of physical phenomena. In my carrier I experienced that, according to physical laws, every single changes in world can be predictable if there is enough information regarding initial status and boundary condition. It’s clear how hard it can be, but still it’s a possible task to do, let’s say at least in Newtonian mechanics. In addition, these constitutional laws of physics is premised on the continuity of the world. It means connectivity of every single objects. Although, each has got its own ration of significance.
    The main question is still unanswered that how, knowing and believing butterfly can affect my life, considering difficulties in prediction. Its time to make a very simple assumption. I suppose every good, nice, beautiful and virtuous behavior that I add to the world, might leads to better future for me or others. We already know that, according to the narrator, there are lots of experiences that contradict my assumptions, but still its the least lesson we can learn from butterfly effect.

  2. Paying enough attention to initial conditions in order to take care of upcoming outcomes. The narrator was analyzing different phenomena which had occurred in the past. Is there any instructions which can be put in our life so as to care about butterfly effect?
    I believe in every dilemma we witness, we analyze all criteria along with probable results. However, we cannot prognosticate everything in the middle of the process. In fact, my personal idea is that we ought not to be too fearful when it comes to a new adventurous stage of life owing to the forthcoming probable results. In other words, I personally prefer to be a risk-taker rather than a stick-in-the-mud, even though butterfly effect should be kept in mind.
    To recap, it seems to me that caring about butterfly effect and taking risks contradict each other.

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