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انگلیسی پایه هفتم درس ۸ به همراه ویدیو و آموزش واژگان

انگلیسی پایه هفتم درس ۸ تدریس شده توسط دکتر محمد حسین حریری اصل، دکترای آموزش زبان انگلیسی با تخصص آموزش آنلاین زبان انگلیسی به همراه ویدیو و پادکست آموزشی و آموزش واژگان درمتن

ویدیوی انگلیسی پایه هفتم درس ۸

My Favorite Food


Listen to the students talking about their favorite food.

Student 1: Look, it’s enough. I’m hungry. How about you?
Student 2: Me, too. Let’s have some cake and milk.
Student 1: Sounds good, but I’d like some tea with my cake.
That’s my favorite!
Student 2: OK, let’s go to the kitchen. Mom?

Listen to the examples. Then ask and answer with a friend.

What’s your favorite food?
What’s your favorite drink?
What do you like to eat/drink?
Rice and kebab.
Orange juice.
Some cake and milk.

Listen to the examples. Then practice with a friend.
bread – rice – kebab – chicken – salad – fruit – dates – cake – milk – tea
I’m hungry.
I’m thirsty.
I feel hungry/thirsty.
How about some cake and milk?
Let’s have something to drink.
Let’s take something to eat/drink.

Sounds and letters

Listen to the conversation between Majid and his English teacher.
Majid: Excuse me, sir? How do you say these words in English?
بِه ,ژله ,نارگيل , and ? کدو
Teacher: Coconut, C-O-C-O-N-U-T for نارگيل , jelly, J-E-L-L-Y
for ژله , quince, Q-U-I-N-C-E for بِه , and
zucchini, Z-U-C-C-H-I-N-I for . کدو
Majid: Thank you.

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