Delude 1100 Words You Need Week 22 Day 4

delude LELB Society

Delude 1100 Words You Need Delude 1100 Words You Need /dɪˈluːd/ (verb) Watch this video on YouTube to make someone believe something that is not true, deceive, guile, mislead, cheat, con, fool, trick, dupe, pull the wool over someone’s eyes They’re not necessarily more unhappy because they secretly know the truth. Here’s an example: somebody…

Palliate 1100 Words You Need Week 22 Day 4

palliate LELB Society

Palliate 1100 Words You Need Palliate 1100 Words You Need /’pa-lē-ˌāt/ (verb) Watch this video on YouTube to alleviate the symptoms of a disease without curing it, mitigate the intensity of something, make better, cure, treat, soothe, pacify, relieve, remedy, ameliorate To palliate is to relieve the symptoms and suffering caused by cancer and other…