Plausible definition and meaning in real context with images and visuals for advanced ESL students
/ˈplɔː.zə.bļ/ (adj)
Definition of plausible
- something that appears to be true, believable, reasonable, feasible, credible, likely, conceivable, tenable, creditable, probable, acceptable, possible, logical
- persuasive, cogent, convincing
Video of plausible
Plausible in context
A plausible explanation is one that seems reasonable or likely to be true. It’s an explanation that makes sense based on the information we have. For example, if you see a wet sidewalk and it’s raining outside, a plausible explanation for the wet sidewalk is that it’s raining. This explanation is reasonable because rain often makes sidewalks wet. Remember: A plausible explanation doesn’t mean it’s definitely true, but it’s a good guess based on what we know. Sometimes, there might be other possible explanations that are also plausible.
Parts of speech
Adverb: plausibly
Noun: plausibility
Noun: plausibleness