Suture Definition & Meaning in Context with Images

Suture definition and meaning in context with images and visuals

/ˈsuː.tʃəʳ/ (noun & verb)

Definition of suture

  1. a stitch or row of stitches used to sew up a cut, wound or injury in a patient’s body, material for surgical stitching
  2. a surgical seam or line at which the two edges of the wound have been joined, closure, seal, joint

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Suture in context

Surgical sutures, the threads used to close wounds, come from a variety of sources, both natural and synthetic. Traditionally, materials like silk, derived from silkworm cocoons, and catgut, made from animal intestines, were commonly used. However, these natural materials have largely been replaced by synthetic alternatives due to their potential for tissue reactions and unpredictable absorption rates.

Modern sutures are primarily composed of synthetic polymers, offering a wide range of properties tailored to specific surgical needs. These polymers include nylon, polyester, polyglactin, and polydioxanone. Synthetic sutures provide consistent performance, reduced tissue reaction, and predictable absorption times, making them the preferred choice for most surgical procedures.

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While natural suture materials have historical significance, their limitations in terms of consistency and potential for complications have led to a preference for synthetic sutures in contemporary surgical practice. The development of advanced synthetic materials has significantly improved the safety and efficacy of wound closure, contributing to better patient outcomes.

Parts of speech

Adjective: sutural

Adverb: suturally

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