A pat on the back
A pat on the back: Idiom
Praise for something that you have done well, approval, an expression of congratulation or encouragement:
A pat on the back in context
I got a pat on the back from my boss.
He deserves a pat on the back after graduating from college with a high grade.
Since he is a dead loss when it comes to multitasking, he should not wait for a pat on the back.
After months of hard work and dedication, Maria finally completed the challenging project ahead of schedule. Her manager, recognizing her exceptional effort and the high quality of her work, gave her a well-deserved pat on the back during the team meeting. This small gesture of appreciation not only boosted Maria’s morale but also inspired her colleagues to strive for excellence in their own tasks. A pat on the back from someone she respected meant a lot to Maria, reaffirming her commitment to her role and the company.
a slap on the wrist, rebuke