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Rebuke 1100 Words You Need Week 26 Day 2

Rebuke 1100 Words You Need

Rebuke 1100 Words You Need

/rɪˈbjuːk/ (noun & verb)

to speak angrily to someone because they’ve done something wrong, chide, lecture, criticize, reprimand, reproach, reprove, censure, admonish, scorn, criticism, reproof, admonishment, admonition

Writing “Friends” off as homophobic ignores the inclusion of Ross’s ex-wife, Carol, and her partner, Susan, which landed “Friends” three nominations and a win for outstanding comedy series at the GLAAD Media Awards. Carol and Susan married in a 1996 episode that was not aired on TV stations in Port Arthur, Tex., and Lima, Ohio, drawing a strong rebuke from GLAAD.

Even more prominent in discussions of “Friends” is its lack of diversity. A YouTube video titled “A semi-alphabetical listing of black actors with speaking roles on ‘Friends’” points out, in rap form, that, yes, there were black people on “Friends” — but only if you were watching very closely. And it’s hard to imagine the show being cast with six white leads today.

Source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/

Antonym: praise, adulate, admire, acknowledge

Noun: rebuke, rebuker

Farsi: سرزنش کردن ، سرزنش ، گوشمالى ، توبيخ کردن ، ملامت کردن ، ملامت ، زخم زبان

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