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Assail GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

Assail GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

/əˈseɪl/ (verb)

to attack or criticize someone vehemently, pounce on, assault, raid, storm, lay into, beset, strike – to cause someone to experience or have a lot of problems, torment, plague, revile, disturb, trouble, berate, vituperate

Understanding that you aren’t responsible for other people’s behavior is liberating. When you know that words spoken in anger aren’t really about you, the attack, while still unpleasant, doesn’t have to damage your self-esteem, although you have been assailed gravely. It’s also easier to find a way to forgive the other person.

Source: https://www.psychologytoday.com/

Antonyms: defend, praise

Noun: assailment

Noun: assailer

Adjective: assailable

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