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Awesome 1100 Words You Need Week 25 Day 1

Awesome 1100 Words You Need

Awesome 1100 Words You Need

/ˈɔː.səm/ (adj)

  1. causing feelings of great fear, admiration or respect, frightening, horrifying, terrible, breathtaking, overwhelming, fearsome
  2. extremely good, wonderful, terrific, excellent, splendid, remarkable, tremendous, amazing, awe-inspiring, astounding

Looking awesome for school is a priority for many teens. You want to make the best impression on your fellow classmates and teachers. Read on after the jump to ensure you show up to school looking your best!

Take a shower in the morning (or night) and wash your hair every other night or morning. Not every night; it will dry out your hair. Washing your hair at night is suggested. If you do it in the morning, you will be forced to use heat on it, which will damage it! Showers are very important because the will make you feel fresh and clean.
Get a good face wash. Use it when you get up in the morning, and before you go to bed. However, don’t wash your face too much; it will dry up and cause acne!
Figure out what products you need for your face. Different products help for different issues. I suggest having facial soap, astringent, a good facial scrub, and a light facial lotion.

Source: https://www.wikihow.com/

Antonym: uneventful

Noun: awe, awesomeness

Adverb: awesomely

Farsi: مايه هيبت يا حرمت ، پر از ترس و بيم ، حاکى از ترس ، ناشى از بيم ، وحشت اور، ترس اور

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