Bereft 1100 Words You Need Week 27 Day 2
Bereft 1100 Words You Need Week 27 Day 2
/bɪˈreft/ (adj)
feeling great loss, mourning, in mourning, grieving, widowed, lacking something important, deprived of, devoid, starved, empty, impoverished
The physical ache is there whether you work or not. This has been a revelation to my generation of working mothers. We’re still stuck with the idea that the empty nest affects only a very traditional kind of housewife – someone like my own mum, who taught part-time but built her life around her husband and four children. As the youngest by a long chalk I observed how bereft she was when my siblings left home. And as a result I resolved, even before my children were born, to maintain a strong separate identity through my work. I assumed my career would insulate me from the isolation and redundancy associated with empty-nest syndrome.
Umi Sinha, who teaches creative writing, says: “I was really surprised by how absolutely bereft I felt when Jared and India left. I have always tried to keep my identity as a person as well as my identity as a mother. It wasn’t just that I missed them, it was feeling that I had moved into a different phase of life. Despite having several part-time jobs and plenty of interests, my primary identity was being a mother.”
Antonyms: overwhelmed, enriched
Verb: bereave: deprive through death, orphan
Noun: bereavement, bereaver
Farsi: محروم، داغ دیده، یتیم