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Burgeon 1100 Words You Need Week 46 Day 1

Burgeon 1100 Words You Need Week 46 Day 1

/ˈbɜː.dʒən/ (verb)

to start developing or growing quickly, flourish, thrive, prosper, increase rapidly, boom, escalate, expand, swell, snowball, augment, multiply, mushroom, proliferate

This thesis analyses eighteenth-century portraiture within the context of ‘norms’ propagated in contemporary prescriptive and fictional literature, ‘norms’ which overlay a heterogeneous reality. The aspirant portraitist had to accord with the desire of sitters to be depicted in a manner that would receive approbation. Thus, disparate relationships were pictorially subsumed within affectionate ideals that burgeoned in the mid eighteenth century, stimulated by the cult of sensibility and disseminated through an expanding body of literature to an expanding readership.

Source: http://wrap.warwick.ac.uk/

Antonym: dwindle

Adjective: burgeoning

Adjective: burgeoned

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