Skim 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 34

skim LELB Society

Skim 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 34 /skɪm/ (verb) to read a passage as fast as possible to get the main gist, browse, speed-read, glance at – remove solid, e.g. fat or oil on top of something usually a liquid – to move very fast on top of something without touching its surface, glide, float, …

Radical 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 34

radical LELB Society

Radical 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 34 /ˈræd.ɪ.kəl/ (adj & noun) Adjective: relating to the most important part of something, fundamental, basic, rudimentary, integral, essential, deep-seated, profound, drastic – believing strongly that there must be some major political or social changes, pervasive, thorough, uncompromising, fanatical, revolutionary Noun: a radical person who strongly believes that there …

Coeducational 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 34

coeducational LELB Society

Coeducational 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 34 [ˌkəʊedʒʊˈkəɪʃənl] (adj) (of an education system) including both male and female genders in the curriculum and classes, education for both sexes or genders Single-gender universities and colleges in a segregated system, compared to a coeducational system, have always had a strong presence on the UAE education landscape. For …

Adolescent 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 34

adolescent LELB Society

Adolescent 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 34 /ˌæd.əˈles.ənt/ (adj & noun) Noun: a young person preceding adulthood, youngster, youth, minor, juvenile Adjective: of an adolescent, related to an adolescent, juvenile, teen, pubertal, teenage, young, youthful – childish, immature Adolescents tend to experience more extreme emotions, both negative and positive, than their parents even in response …

Precede 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 34

precede LELB Society

Precede 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 34 /prɪˈsiːd/ (verb) to come first, come before, be higher in rank or importance, be prior to, introduce, lead, usher in, go first, go before, pave the way, head Described as one of the most dramatically appealing English operas, the opera in two acts has a prologue and sixteen …

Candidate 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 34

candidate LELB Society

Candidate 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 34 /ˈkæn.dɪ.dət/ (noun) a job applicant who is competing with other applicants to get a job, job seeker, contestant, aspirant, interviewee, contender, nominee – a person who takes an exam or test, testee, examinee, entrant You’ve scoured hundreds of resumes and pre-screened a number of candidates over the phone. …

Retain 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 33

retain LELB Society

Retain 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 33 /rɪˈteɪn/ (verb) to keep or maintain something, continue to have something, hang on to, sustain, keep hold of, hold on to, maintain the status quo – remember something, recall, recollect, keep in mind, bear in mind Have you ever found yourself in a zoned out state while attempting …

Wad 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 33

wad LELB Society

Wad 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 33 /wɒd/ (noun & verb) Noun: a stack of small and flat objects placed tightly on each other, clump, lump, pad, bundle, mass, chunk, roll, pile, piece of soft materials Verb: to make a wad of something, compile, accumulate, amass, to crush into a small mass, press, compress COUNTING …

Mute 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 33

mute LELB Society

Mute 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 33 /mjuːt/ (adj, noun & verb) Adjective: (of a person) either unable or unwilling to speak, quiet, unspeaking, dumb, silent, speechless, voiceless, taciturn, wordless Verb: to mute a noise or make it less loud or severe, muffle, soften, dampen, stifle Noun: a mute person who cannot speak – a …

Mumble 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 33

mumble LELB Society

Mumble 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 33 /ˈmʌm.bļ/ (verb) to speak quietly and utter the words in a way that is difficult to hear or understand, murmur, speak indistinctly, mutter, stutter, talk under your breath, babble, stammer Often when speaking I mumble my words or speak too quickly. How do I slow down the velocity …