Ballot -English Flashcard for Ballot with Synonyms

Ballot - English Flashcard for Ballot - LELB Society

Ballot Ballot (noun & verb) /ˈbæl.ət/ noun: a system of anonymous voting – secret voting – a card or piece of paper on which votes are recorded – total number of votes – election – secret ballot – poll – survey: The vice president of the company was elected by a secret ballot. During the…

Idle – English Flashcard for Idle with Synonyms

idle LELB Society

Idle Idle: /ˈaɪ.dļ/ (Adj) 1. not working or being used: Children become too idle to go out for playing due to computer and mobile games. The propagation of idleness in every society is a serious malady which should be overcome by spreading public activities. Frankly speaking, I envy the idle rich who earn easy money and have an easy-peasy lifestyle. Half these factories now stand idle. 2. without any particular…

Scowl – English Flashcard for Scowl with Synonyms

Scowl | English Flashcard for Scowl - LELB Society

Scowl Scowl (noun & verb) /skaʊl/ (noun & verb) to look at someone in an angry and threatening way – frown – glower – look daggers – dirty look Scowl in context The unruly student scowled at his serious teacher and sat down in silence. As Emily walked into the room, she couldn’t help but…

Beckon – English Flashcard for Beckon with Synonyms

beckon LELB Society

Beckon Beckon: Verb /ˈbek.ən/ verb 1. [I or T] to move your hand or head in a way that tells someone to come nearer, gesture to someone to come, summon, signal, indicate, attract Beckon in context The customs official beckoned the woman to his counter. “Hey you!”, she called, beckoning me over with her finger.…

Devour – English Flashcard for Devour with Synonyms

Devour English Flashcard

Devour Devour /dɪˈvaʊəʳ/ (verb) to eat something hungrily – gulp down – consume – read and absorb something voraciously – destroy, raven, gobble: Devour means to eat something eagerly, but it can be used in situations where there is a great keenness to do an activity. It also refers to situations where someone is filled…