English Essay 34: Tourism

English essay on tourism industry written by LELB Society’s students to practice writing in the most practical way

Essay topic on tourism industry

Some people believe that tourism has absolutely positive effects on cultural enrichment. Some others maintain that it basically has recreational benefits. To which group do you mainly belong? Furnish your claim with reasons.

Essayist: Sam, one of LELB Society’s students

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In the new millennium, tourism industry has become noticeably famous. This industry affects nearly almost all dimensions of life in all tourist spots. Although some people concur with the positive effects of the tourism industry on cultural enrichment, many others place more emphasis on its recreational benefits. It is widely believed that with the help of tourism industry, an enormous amount of recreational activities is introduced to individuals owing to the variation of recreational activities and people’s inclination.

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To begin with, the diversity of recreational activities represented by tourism industry would be an effective remedy from monotonous life within which people are captivated. For instance, the confluence of routine tasks and old traditions has made activities rather tedious on some occasions. The young like to practice the variety of activities other nations do. In so doing, tourism gives adolescents a great opportunity for quenching their voracious thirst for getting familiar the culture of other nations in this case.

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People’s tendency, nonetheless, towards learning some new activities in their own leisure time becomes the most demanding challenge. For example, in tourist well-travelled places, local people try to become more acquainted with the various cultures of tourists when they pay a visit to their residential areas. This comes from curious people who appreciate their historical and treasured heritage and pursuit tremendous energetic hobbies from other nations across the globe. Thus, for this perspective, people are very hospitable towards tourists in order to acquire new hobbies.

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To conclude, people’s inclination towards unprecedented recreational activities and their wide range have resulted in getting recreational benefits introduced to everybody. As a matter of fact, it is expected that tourism industry will have been extremely popular by the end of current century.

About the Author

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl is an English and Persian instructor, educator, researcher, inventor, published author, blogger, SEO expert, website developer, entrepreneur, and the creator of LELB Society. He's got a PhD in TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language).

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4 thoughts on “English Essay 34: Tourism”

  1. (From Dr. Hariri to Robina): I had to remove your comment because according to your assignments, you were not expected to write an entire essay on the theme of tourism and cultural enrichment. Instead, you were expected to write only one paragraph including approximately 50 words on a totally different topic mentioned in your assignments.

    • (From Dr. Hariri to Rozita): I had to remove this comment due to being totally irrelevant to the topic of tourism. Your comments should be related to the post.

      • To Rozita: As I explained above, your comment was NOT about tourism and cultural enrichment. As a result, I had to remove it. Your comments should always be in relation to the topic being discussed.

    • I should inform you that you were not supposed to write an entire essay on the topic of tourism. Please kindly pay more attention to your assignments. I re-sent you a copy of your assignments on the installed live chat only accessible when logged-in. Please kindly check your assignments sent to you via the live chat.
      Thank you so much.

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