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Environmental Issues IELTS Writing Task 2

Environmental Issues IELTS Writing Task 2

Environmental Issues IELTS Writing Task 2

There has been much controversy over the most devastating environmental issues threatening mankind on earth. Some environmentalists contend that global warming is a major concern, while others believe that deforestation could cause even graver consequences. 

Which one of these threats seems to be more serious from your point of view?

LELB Society’s Essayist: Sasan

Humans have always been threatening natural habitats and environment((the environment)). In the recent era, deforestation and global warming have become serious concerns of humans((concerns for humans)) on the earth((on Earth / earth)). Although both problems should be taken serious((seriously)) there is a heated debate about the priority of these problems((which one to prioritize)). I personally believe that these issues are at the same level and affect each other.

As everybody knows cutting down trees causes many disadvantages. For instance, leaves of trees create oxygen and absorbs((absorb)) carbon dioxide, so burning down trees deteriorates the quality of air. Also, jungles are habitats for different species and deforestation can culminate in extinction of((the extinction of)) some creatures. Moreover, natural jungles((dense / deep / tropical jungles)) are sorts of drainage systems. In fact, when jungles are replaced with roads, water that comes from rain cannot permeate the ground in order to be stored in the underground resources and as a result flood comes up. So, removing((It’s better to write: destroying / demolishing)) jungles and trees are problematic.

Besides, global warming is a disastrous issue as well. To be elaborate, burning fossil fuels generate((generates)) greenhouse gases that covers((cover – the subject must be “gases”.)) the earth such a((like a / in the same way as a)) blanket. The solar energy that moves towards the earth cannot leave the earth after reflection and it means that the temperature of earth((the earth’s temperature)) is rising continuously. As a result, glaciers melt down and water deficiency((water shortage)) jeopardizes the life of creatures on the earth((on Earth / earth)). It is clear that deforestation can intensify global warming and these two issues are in harmony with each other.

In conclusion, it seems to me that deforestation and global warming are two catastrophe((catastrophes)) that endanger creatures’ life((better to write lives)) on the earth and they stands((stand)) at the same level in terms of significance.


  • Cohesion and Cohesion (23% of 25%)
  • Grammatical Range and Accuracy (15% of 25%)
  • Lexical Resources (22% of 25%)
  • Task Achievement (18% of 25%)
  • Word Count: “270” Excellent!

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1 thought on “Environmental Issues IELTS Writing Task 2”

  1. Humans have always been threatening natural habitats and environment. In the recent era, deforestation and global warming have become serious concerns of humans on the earth. Although both problems should be taken serious there is a heated debate about the priority of these problems. I personally believe that these issues are at the same level and affect each other.

    As everybody knows cutting down trees causes many disadvantages. For instance, leaves of trees create oxygen and absorbs carbon dioxide, so burning down trees deteriorates the quality of air. Also, jungles are habitats for different species and deforestation can culminate in extinction of some creatures. Moreover, natural jungles are sorts of drainage systems. In fact, when jungles are replaced with roads, water that comes from rain cannot permeate the ground in order to be stored in the underground resources and as a result flood comes up. So, removing jungles and trees are problematic.

    Besides, global warming is a disastrous issue as well. To be elaborate, burning fossil fuels generate greenhouse gases that covers the earth such a blanket. The solar energy that moves towards the earth cannot leave the earth after reflection and it means that the temperature of earth is rising continuously. As a result, glaciers melt down and water deficiency jeopardizes the life of creatures on the earth. It is clear that deforestation can intensify global warming and these two issues are in harmony with each other.

    In conclusion, it seems to me that deforestation and global warming are two catastrophe that endanger creatures’ life on the earth and they stands at the same level in terms of significance.

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