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Ephemeral GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

Ephemeral GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

/ɪˈfem.ər.əl/ (adj)


lasting for a short time, evanescent, short-lived, brief, transitory, passing, transient, fleeting, momentary, short-term, temporary


Ephemeral species are plants and animals whose lifespan lasts only a few weeks or months. The most common types of ephemeral species are desert annuals, plants whose seeds remain dormant for months or years but which quickly germinate, grow, and flower when rain does fall. In such cases the amount and frequency of rainfall determine entirely how frequently ephemerals appear and how long they last.

Source: https://www.encyclopedia.com/



Parts of speech

Noun: ephemera

Noun: ephemerality

Noun: ephemeralness

Adverb: ephemerally

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