Essay on Smart Robots and Artificial Intelligence

Initially, the general rates of technological progress are always imprecise, but it is fair to say that compared with the past, progress today comes rapidly. Especially, these rates of progress are included in the creation of intelligent machines like robots, automobiles and drones. Therefore, high-tech machines will soon dominate the global economy and in the process drive down the value of human labor with surprising speed.

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Besides, machine intelligence is already having a major effect on the value of work. To illustrate, today, the robots and smart machines are only capable of doing the work of a person of average intelligence. Suppose that this rate of technological progress raises the IQ of these machines per year, these machines will have an IQ greater than human in the future. Furthermore, computers are going to trump people since the rates of technological progress and they will be smarter than people. Not just better at doing sums than human but they will be able to understand what we say, learn from experience, etc.

Therefore, computers will be able to do better all the things that humans do. For example, Google is truly the massive collection of data that the world has never seen before; it seems the greatest artificial intelligence laboratory on Earth.

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Overall, a technology revolution is fast replacing human beings with machines in every sector of industry and science. Already, millions of workers have been eliminated from the economic process. Also, job assignments have been restructured or disappeared.

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Although seeing technical devices in books and movies which they might rise against people is exciting, the readers and audience may feel worried about the reality facet of these stories. I personally believe that it is unlikely people‘s inventions stay in front of them.

Firstly, in spite of people’s wishes to have modern robots, we are far from the completely intelligent machines. To more illustration, people stay on first steps of improvement in science. There are several unknown aspects of pure knowledge that cause problems in making intelligent machines. For instance, simulating every simple movement in human’s bodies by machines needs several algorithms, programing, coding, wires and combination all the movements needs more complex algorithms too.

Secondly, from technical viewpoints, since modern machines have huge memories’ capacity and fast central processing unit, these facilities provide humans with fast processing and store numerous information. Although these are deniable and effective abilities that facilitate some difficulties, people are more flexible in action and movement compare with modern machines. For instance, recently in some restaurants, robots have been working as a waiter or waitress. Though seeing high-tech machines are fascinated customers, they are much slower than workforce.

Finally, some scientists believe that if people adequately improve in science and make absolutely professional machines, they will face lack of sprit compare with humans. They claim that science must know more and more about human’s abilities to make devices quite look like them.

In conclusion, due the reasons mentioned above, I would argue that technical machines have not been able to be a threat to humans and they will be hardworking slaves forever.

About the Author

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl is an English and Persian instructor, educator, researcher, inventor, published author, blogger, SEO expert, website developer, entrepreneur, and the creator of LELB Society. He's got a PhD in TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language).

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