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Evince 1100 Words You Need Week 26 Day 2

Evince 1100 Words You Need

Evince 1100 Words You Need

/ɪˈvɪnts/ (verb)

to show something clearly, make something obvious, express, reveal, demonstrate, make clear, display, exhibit, manifest

Two key reasons explain the appeal of extremist and violent groups to the youth and the raison d’être of their presence in countries that experience armed conflict. The two reasons are the factors relating to one’s personal life and the factors of social milieu. The two reasons work in tandem in that one factor represents a stimulus while the other one represents a response to such a stimulus. When the two factors work in harmony, the youth evince much readiness and preparedness to joining extremist and violent groups.

Source: https://imctc.org/

Antonym: conceal, hide

Adjective: evincible

Farsi: نشان دادن ، معلوم کردن ، ابراز داشتن ، موجب شدن ، برانگيختن

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