The Ass in the Lion’s Skin by Aesop for ESL Students

The Ass in the Lion’s Skin by Aesop for ESL students based on the English Immersion Program with a podcast and vocabulary practice in real context

The Ass in the Lion’s Skin is now in the public domain available on Gutenberg Project.

Podcast of the Ass in the Lion’s Skin

The Ass in the Lion’s Skin

داستان الاغ و سگ خانگی برای آموزش زبان فارسی به کودکان و نوجوانان خارج از کشور
The Donkey in the Lion’s Skin and 80 other short stories and fables for English students

An ass found a lion’s skin, and dressed himself up in it. Then he went about frightening every one he met, for they all took him to be a lion, men and beasts alike, and took to their heels when they saw him coming.

داستان الاغ تنبل و بار نمک برای آموزش زبان فارسی به غیر فارسی زبانان
The Ass in the Lion’s Skin by Aesop to practice vocabulary in real context

Elated by the success of his trick, he loudly brayed in triumph. The fox heard him, and recognized him at once for the ass he was, and said to him, “Oho, my friend, it’s you, is it? I, too, should have been afraid if I hadn’t heard your voice.”

داستان روباه ناقلا برای آموزش زبان فارسی به کودکان و نوجوانان نوشته نفیسه آقایی به همراه ویدیو و لیست واژگان جدید
The fox could identify the donkey, although he was in the lion’s skin.

English proverbs from the short story

Fine clothes may disguise, but silly words will disclose a fool.

This proverb captures the idea that outward appearance can be deceiving, but true nature will eventually reveal itself.

All that glitters is not gold.

This proverb is a general reminder not to be fooled by appearances, as things may not be what they seem.

Vocabulary in real context

  1. alike: similarly, equally, likewise
  2. take to one’s heels: to run away quickly out of fear or danger
  3. elated: ecstatic, overjoyed, thrilled
  4. bray: make the sound of a donkey, speak with a harsh voice
  5. triumph: victory, achievement, conquest
  6. recognize: identify
  7. at once: immediately

Questions and answers

Answer the following questions about the fable in the comment box below.

  1. In this short story, what advantage did the donkey think he gained by wearing the lion’s skin?
  2. When the donkey brayed, what element of his disguise did it ultimately betray?
  3. What lesson does the fable teach about the difference between true strength and relying on appearances?

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