Extraneous (adj) ɪkˈstreɪ.ni.əs/
irrelevant or impertinent – inessential – unrelated – inappropriate – unnecessary – coming from outside, irrelevant – peripheral:
Extraneous in context
In his presentation, he, for the most part, talked about extraneous points without actually centralizing the main issue.
During the meeting, Lisa found herself sifting through a lot of extraneous information that was irrelevant to the main agenda. She noticed that several team members were bringing up issues that had no bearing on the current project, causing unnecessary delays. In an effort to stay focused, she gently redirected the conversation back to the key topics, ensuring that their time was spent efficiently and that extraneous details did not derail their progress.
Parts of speech
- Noun: extraneousness
- Adverb: extraneously