Fair-weather Friend 1100 Words
Fair-weather Friend 1100 Words
/ˌfeə.weð.əˈfrend/ (idiom)
someone who wants to be your friend when things are going well, unreliable friend, someone who stops being your friend in the face of problems, disloyal or dishonest friend:
If you decide to stay friends with a fair-weather friend, you must let go of your expectations that they can be relied upon. This means not sharing emotionally charged or privileged information with them anymore. If they can’t be there for you in hard times, they are not someone who can support you at all. Limit the things you share with them.
Antonym: blood brother, supporter, advocate, amigo, buddy
French: ami peu fiable
Farsi: این دغل دوستان که می بینی، مگسانند گرد شیرینی