The Bear and the Fox by Aesop with New Words & Video

The Bear and the Fox by Aesop with new words, questions for discussion and a video for ESL students to learn English vocabulary in real context and enjoy English literature

The Bear and the Fox is now in the public domain available on Gutenberg Project.

Video of the Bear and the Fox

The Bear and the Fox

English Documentary on Bears with Transcript & Flashcards at LELB Society

A bear was once bragging about his generous feelings, and saying how refined he was compared with other animals. (There is, in fact, a tradition that a bear will never touch a dead body.)

The Bear and the Two Travelers with Vocabulary Practice and Podcast at LELB Society
Allegedly, bears do not touch dead bodies.

A fox, who heard him talking in this strain, smiled and said, “My friend, when you are hungry, I only wish you would confine your attention to the dead and leave the living alone.”

داستان فارسی روباه دم بریده با ویدیو برای آموزش زبان فارسی به کودکان و نوجوانان

English proverbs from the short story

3 proverbs that are thematically related to “The Bear and the Fox” are:

Actions speak louder than words.

This proverb highlights the importance of actions over empty boasts, mirroring the bear’s self-proclaimed kindness that contradicts his actions.

Don’t judge a book by its cover.

This proverb reminds us not to be deceived by appearances, just as the fox sees through the bear’s false façade of kindness.

A hypocrite deceives no one but himself.

Vocabulary in real context

  1. brag: to talk with too much pride, boast
  2. generous: kind and open-handed
  3. refined: cultured and polite
  4. tradition: custom or belief, folklore, convention
  5. strain: form, manner, style
  6. confine: to narrow, focus, restrict

Moral of the short story

The moral of the fable “The Bear and the Fox” is that hypocrisy and self-deception are ultimately futile. The bear boasts about his kindness and generosity, but his actions reveal a different truth. The fox, through his insightful observation, exposes the bear’s hypocrisy and reminds us that true kindness is demonstrated through actions, not empty words.

Ultimately, the fable teaches us that actions speak louder than words. It encourages us to examine our own behavior and ensure that our actions align with our professed values. By recognizing the gap between our intentions and our deeds, we can strive to become more authentic and genuine individuals. The bear’s tale serves as a timeless reminder that true kindness is not merely a matter of self-congratulation, but rather a commitment to living ethically and compassionately.

Discussion questions

  1. What is the main message or moral of the fable “The Bear and the Fox”?
  2. How does the fox expose the bear’s hypocrisy in the story?
  3. What can we learn from the bear’s behavior in this fable?

About the Author

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl is an English and Persian instructor, educator, researcher, inventor, published author, blogger, SEO expert, website developer, entrepreneur, and the creator of LELB Society. He's got a PhD in TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language).

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6 thoughts on “The Bear and the Fox by Aesop with New Words & Video”

  1. Self-discipline is a skill that can be developed and refined over time. Setting clear actionable goals, consistency in efforts, and resilience in the face of setbacks are among the main items necessary to develop self disipline.

    • Thank you for your comment, but this comment should be left on another post with the following title:
      Achieve Your Goals: The Power of Self-Discipline
      P.S. I’ve already responded to this comment on the above-mentioned post.

  2. The fable’s main message is hypocrisy and the consequences of deceitful behavior and emphasizes the importance of honesty both with oneself and others. It encourages us to align our actions with our values and be truthful in our words and actions.

    • Absolutely! The bear and the fox fable indeed highlights the dangers of hypocrisy and the negative outcomes of deceit. By illustrating the bear’s dishonest remarks, the story stresses the significance of being truthful and consistent in both our words and actions.

  3. As proverb says actions speak louder than words. We are more likely to remember what others did for us rather than what they said. So, instead of telling others what we will do, show them through our own actions. Especially this is more important in our friendship because of our trust and respect.

    • Thank you for commenting on this short story.
      1. As the proverb says
      2. Show them through your own actions because this is an imperative.
      3. Especially is not used at the beginning of a sentence.

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