Free English Webinar on Positive Thinking

Free English Webinar on Positive Thinking

Free English Webinar on Positive Thinking

Shifting mental focus

Our perception of the world is defined by our mind’s interpretation of the events. Every single event has ups and downs. Therefore we can train our mind to focus on the bright side and avoid sticking to the negative side.
In other words, “shifting your mental focus” means to substitute the cynical view point for the sanguine one and realizing that every situation has upbeat and downbeat features.

Avoid fortune telling

The pessimistic person tends to be skeptical about the future. The method of “avoid fortune telling” says that avoid to predict the future, even if there are facts that support it. In this situation the pessimistic person needs to focus on the present, instead of predicting what that may not happen in future.

Train your mind to look for a silver lining

This method reminds us that every catastrophic situation has got a bright side. Therefore, If you train your mind to be more expectant, you probably find the positive aspect out of problematic situation. The positive aspect could be a new opportunity or stimulus to the act of resilience and brings uplift to the depressed person.

Do not dwell on the past

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Dwelling on the past prevents the depressed person from focusing on the present and the opportunities which may rise during the difficult situations. The depressed person needs to forgive him/herself in order to move on and pass from the current situation. In the video he said “The positive seed that you plant today, will bear positive fruit in the future”.

Be grateful

Gratitude definition in context

Being grateful is a good practice to find positive aspect of our life, even they are trivialities. Write them down and make a list of precious things and people in our life can prepare our mind to look forward to promising aspect of each situation and cause alleviation.

Positive affirmations

English presentation on happiness with reading practice

Positive affirmations resemble magic methods, at first glance. Imagine that you are contending with numerous difficulties and one of your well-wishers comes up with a suggestion. He/she recommends that you repeat the following sentences daily. “I am my own superhero” or “I can make it undoubtedly” and some statements of that ilk. These sorts of sentences ring a bell with me because they are similar to some of empty slogans that Brian Tracy delivers in his speeches.

Nevertheless, psychologists maintain that it works well. In fact, such statements help you jettison negativity, guilt, anxiety, and the like. Repeated over-and-over, they worm their ways into your mind. Although they might begin as wishful thinking, they end up becoming the reality of your life. So, Why don’t we use positive affirmation on a daily basis?

I cannot agree with you more on the significance of positive affirmations. My argument is just that positive thinking ought not to be restricted to the implementation of positive affirmations due to the fact that if not amalgamated with taking necessary action, positive affirmations could potentially lose their value over time. Consequently, they tend to have adverse effects after a while and become counterproductive. I can also provide more evidence to support my claim in this way that the use of positive affirmations is relatively quite easy for everyone compared to taking action, hence the naive person can become badly cynical upon overusing positive affirmations totally devoid of any strong practical foundation.

Socializing with positive people

English vocabulary about social life

There is an old maxim “We become like those we keep closest”. To explain it, interacting with people who are upbeat and sanguine can help you go through difficulties much better. Not only can they be helpful in normal situations, but also they will boost your energy if an issue comes up. To exemplify it, think of a condition you are doing a complicated project and you are surrounded with people from all walks of life, some of whom suggest you halt the process because they are downbeat and negative and they act like hindrances. However, there exist people who would make any endeavors to push you forward if you weathered the storm of difficulties. So, let us keep ourselves away from poisonous people.

Classroom interaction in second language learning written by Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl

Absolutely true! In English, there is another old saying which reads: “man is known by the company he keeps”. From another point of view, there is another English proverb that says: “birds of a feather flock together”. It means that you generally tend to socialize with the people with whom you share many personality traits. That is, if you’re positive, you interact with positive people, and vice versa. There is, however, an exception to this law, and it is when you mindfully strive to break the impeding rules and reverse the order. I mean when you consciously try to socialize with fairly optimistic and sunny people though you’re not that upbeat at first. If you (anybody) fall into this category, make sure that little by little, the happy and encouraging circle of your supporting friends will improve your mood and make you a happier person.

About the Author

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl is an English and Persian instructor, educator, researcher, inventor, published author, blogger, SEO expert, website developer, entrepreneur, and the creator of LELB Society. He's got a PhD in TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language).

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26 thoughts on “Free English Webinar on Positive Thinking”

    • There is an old maxim “We become like those we keep closest”. To explain it, interacting with people who are upbeat and sanguine can help you go through difficulties much better. Not only can they be helpful in normal situations, but also they will boost your energy if an issue comes up. To exemplify it, think of a condition you are doing a complicated project and you are surrounded with people from all walks of life, some of whom suggest you halt the process because they are downbeat and negative and they act like hindrances. However, there exist people who would make any endeavors to push you forward if you weathered the storm of difficulties. So, let us keep ourselves away from poisonous people.

      • Absolutely true! In English, there is another old saying which reads: “man is known by the company he keeps”. From another point of view, there is another English proverb that says: “bird of a feather flock together”. It means that you generally tend to socialize with the people with whom you share many personality traits. That is, if you’re positive, you interactive with positive people, and vice versa. There is, however, an exception to this law, and it is when you mindfully strive to break the impeding rules and reverse the order. I mean when you consciously try to socialize with fairly optimistic and sunny people though you’re not that upbeat at first. If you (anybody) fall into this category, make sure that little by little, the happy and encouraging circle of your supporting friends will improve your mood and make you a happier person.

    • Positive affirmations resemble magic methods, at first glance. Imagine that you are contending with numerous difficulties and one of your well-wishers comes up with a suggestion. He/She recommends that you repeat the following sentences daily.
      “I am my own superhero” or “I can make it undoubtedly” and some statements of that ilk. These sorts of sentences ring a bell with me because they are similar to some of empty slogans that Brian Tracy delivers in his speeches.
      Nevertheless, psychologists maintain that it works well. In fact, such statements help you jettison negativity, guilt, anxiety, and the like. Repeated over-and-over, they worm their ways into your mind. Although they might begin as wishful thinking, they end up becoming the reality of your life. So, Why don’t we use positive affirmation on a daily basis?

      • I cannot agree with you more on the significance of positive affirmations. My argument is just that positive thinking ought not to be restricted to the implementation of positive affirmations due to the fact that if not amalgamated with taking necessary action, positive affirmations could potentially lose their value over time. Consequently, they tend to have adverse effects after a while and become counterproductive. I can also provide more evidence to support my claim in this way that the use of positive affirmations is relatively quite easy for everyone compared to taking action, hence the naive person can become badly cynical upon overusing positive affirmations totally devoid of any strong practical foundation.

        * over and over

    • Being grateful is a good practice to find positive aspect of our life, even they are trivialities. Write them down and make a list of precious things and people in our life can prepare our mind to look forward to promising aspect of each situation and cause alleviation.

    • This method reminds us that every catastrophic situation has got a bright side. Therefore, If you train your mind to be more expectant, you probably find the positive aspect out of problematic situation. The positive aspect could be a new opportunity or stimulus to the act of resilience and brings uplift to the depressed person.

      • Thank you for sharing your thoughts. It’s true that even in the most challenging situations, finding a silver lining can make a significant difference. By training our minds to seek out positive aspects, we can uncover new opportunities or triggers for resilience that can uplift us during tough times. This optimistic outlook not only helps us cope with difficulties but also encourages personal growth and strength.

    • The pessimistic person tends to be skeptical about the future. The method of “avoid fortune telling” says that avoid to predict the future, even if there are facts that support it. In this situation the pessimistic person needs to focus on the present, instead of predicting what that may not happen in future.

    • Our perception of the world is defined by our mind’s interpretation of the events. Every single event has ups and downs. Therefore we can train our mind to focus on the bright side and avoid sticking to the negative side.
      In other words, “shifting your mental focus” means to substitute the cynical view point for the sanguine one and realizing that every situation has upbeat and downbeat features.

      • * … our mind’s interpretation :arrow: our mental interpretation …
        * cynical view point for the sanguine one :arrow: cynical viewpoints for the sanguine ones

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