Hoax 1100 Words You Need
Hoax 1100 Words You Need
/həʊks/ (noun & verb)
Noun: the act of tricking people into believing that something is real while it is not true, deceiving people that there is a source of danger when it’s not true, practical joke, swindle, deception, ruse, prank, fraud
Verb: to deceive, con, trick, mislead, defraud, tease, pull someone’s legs
Prince Harry (pictured) was reportedly duped into saying he was “completely separate” from most of the Royal Family in hoax phone calls recorded by Russian pranksters.
Source: https://www.standardmedia.co.ke/
CALGARY — Lethbridge College reopened Wednesday after it received a bomb threat Tuesday that police believe was a hoax.
Source: https://calgary.ctvnews.ca/
Drunk woman must pay £71 over Fratton bomb hoax made in call to Hampshire police
A DRUNKEN woman who phoned in a bomb hoax to police has been criticised by a magistrate who warned: ‘This could have been far worse.’
Source: https://www.portsmouth.co.uk/
Antonym: truthfulness, honesty, integrity
Noun: hoaxer
Farsi: گول زدن، دست انداختن