IELTS Essay on News + Full Essay & Scoring

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IELTS essay question on news

Nowadays, the main part of the news we are exposed to in the mass media is bad and negative news, such as natural disasters, crimes, wars, and the like.

Why do you think we have more bad news compared to good news?

Do you think the news agencies should report a balance of both bad and good news equally?

IELTS essay on news

Nowadays, most of the news in mass media that can be seen and heard, is all about negative things; such as: wars, crimes, demonstration, smuggling and news about number of Covid-19 victims. After a while dealing with all of bad news, we find ourselves depressed, less energetic, hopeless and even we are full with emotions such as anger and disgust.

  1. the mass media
  2. the news about
  3. the number of
  4. we will be
  5. full of

I guess we can all agree that these days number of negative circumstances on earth, is probably more than the positive ones. And that is the reason why we must not miss our hope. It is the hard and challenging days that we, people need to stay being optimistic because other way, we are not going to make it through and we are going to get depression. And by that I do not mean to close our eyes to the reality facts and accidents, but just to stay in our highest level of energy even though it seems truly impossible.

  1. the number of
  2. An independent sentence cannot start with ‘and’.
  3. If there is more negative news, then why do you recommend we should now lose our hope? This is rather contradictory?
  4. it is during the hard and challenging days …
  5. lose our hope
  6. other way – did you mean ‘otherwise’?
  7. get depressed
  8. real facts
  9. ‘Be going to’ cannot be used for this function.

Psychological results have shown that the news have a major and direct effect on people’s mental stability. So It is essential for us to be careful and do not overindulge in watching and reading the news. Some people even do not listen to the news at all, for their mental health’s sake.

  1. has
  2. and not to overindulge
  3. In the entire paragraph, you have not tried to answer the main questions.

ABC, CNN, BBC and CBC are among the top 50 news sites in the world, which people spend a massive time on these websites to be updated about the earliest news. If only these companies made their news reporters to balance between the positive and negative news, maybe people would be a little more equable and less stress out. And the reason they have not done it yet? No one really knows. Some say that maybe they want people to be fearful and stressed out. Therefore they can control people more easily.

  1. a massive / huge amount of time
  2. ‘These websites’ is redundant.
  3. balance (causative verbs)
  4. stressed out
  5. … yet, no one really knows.

If noticeable number of people complain about this system, then they might change their working system, and even if these news broadcasts would not change it, we are humans, and we know what is hurting us and what is not. We can less listen to news and be aware that the good things still happen and there will be sun and rainbow after a stormy night.

  1. listen to the news less frequently
  2. Your concluding paragraph should not present new data.

Analysis and scoring

  • Analysis
    • You were supposed to address the question more thoroughly.
  • Cohesion and coherence: 16 of 25%
  • Grammatical range and accuracy: 13 of 25%
  • Lexical resources: 15 of 25%
  • Task achievement: 18 of 25%
  • Spelling: Good
  • Punctuation: Fair
  • Word count: “370” Rather too long!
  • Time on Essay Writing: 40 min: Perfect
  • Band score: 6 of 9

Related tags and keywords

  1. crime
  2. essay
  3. mass media
  4. news
  5. war

About the Author

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl is an English and Persian instructor, educator, researcher, inventor, published author, blogger, SEO expert, website developer, entrepreneur, and the creator of LELB Society. He's got a PhD in TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language).

Number of Posts: 4155

Related Keywords

3 thoughts on “IELTS Essay on News + Full Essay & Scoring”

  1. Time on assay 50 min

  2. Nowadays the main part of news we exposed to in all mass media is bad and negative such as disasters, crimes, wars and the like. It may be related to the human being attitude toward world little by little become more primitive and astonishingly take backward steps to the dark ages of human history on earth. Everyday we as human beings become more greedy and open a new front to exploit other people and nations and even nature. The developed and richer countries want more and struggle to dominate on other nations and natural resources to satiate their insatiable greed and to achieve their goals do not care even to destructing all the world and even natural habitats and wild life. They do not hesitate to do any harsh and savage behavior toward other less powerful countries to dominate over them. There is no a new day that a new war or shadow of war overcast a new part of the world.
    At the same time the poor countries and nations most of them suffering from lack of enough knowledge and a well-developed culture are tingling with ethnic prejudice and kill each other and do not have mercy and compassion toward innocent people.
    Because of that in my opinion even God and nature let us alone to behave like savage creatures. When we as human being do not have mercy on each other why we expect God or nature to be merciful toward us.
    In my opinion and as the last word until we do not change our attitude and behavior as those living creature who consider themselves as successor of God on earth , we must not expect to have better world and life than today. We must be merciful both toward nature and to other inhabitants of the earth and above all to other people to open a new horizon of better and brighter lives and to run a happier life full of joy and every hour good news.

  3. Nowadays, most of the news in mass media that can be seen and heard, is all about negative things; such as: wars, crimes, demonstration, smuggling and news about number of Covid-19 victims. After a while dealing with all of bad news, we find ourselves depressed, less energetic, hopeless and even we are full with emotions such as anger and disgust.
    I guess we can all agree that these days number of negative circumstances on earth, is probably more than the positive ones. And that is the reason why we must not miss our hope. It is the hard and challenging days that we, people need to stay being optimistic because other way, we are not going to make it through and we are going to get depression. And by that I do not mean to close our eyes to the reality facts and accidents, but just to stay in our highest level of energy even though it seems truly impossible.
    Psychological results have shown that the news have a major and direct effect on people’s mental stability. So It is essential for us to be careful and do not overindulge in watching and reading the news. Some people even do not listen to the news at all, for their mental health’s sake.
    ABC, CNN, BBC and CBC are among the top 50 news sites in the world, which people spend a massive time on these websites to be updated about the earliest news. If only these companies made their news reporters to balance between the positive and negative news, maybe people would be a little more equable and less stress out. And the reason they have not done it yet? No one really knows. Some say that maybe they want people to be fearful and stressed out. Therefore they can control people more easily.
    If noticeable number of people complain about this system, then they might change their working system, and even if these news broadcasts would not change it, we are humans, and we know what is hurting us and what is not. We can less listen to news and be aware that the good things still happen and there will be sun and rainbow after a stormy night.

    Time on essay writing : 40 minuets.

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