Definition of Impasse as a GRE Vocabulary Flashcard also found in 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam with illustration and synonym in real context and authentic examples for advanced learners of English
/ˈɪm.pæs/ (noun)
a situation in which there is no room for further progress, block to agreement or progress, blind alley, standoff, dead end, dilemma, standstill, deadlock, cul-de-sac, stalemate, checkmate, bottleneck
50 Ways to Break an Impasse
The impasse is all inside your head”, I said to them
The deal is easy if you take it logically
I’d like to help you in your struggle, don’t you see
There must be 50 ways to break an impasse
I said why don’t we explore with all our might
I believe you’ll begin to see the light
Soon they realized I probably was right
There must be 50 ways to break an impasse
50 ways to break an impasse
progress, development